d3.geoHammerRetroazimuthal() d3.geoHammerRetroazimuthalRaw(phi0) The Hammer retroazimuthal projection. Note: requires clipping to the sphere.
d3.geoHammer() d3.geoHammerRaw(A, B) The Hammer projection. Depending the chosen coefficient and aspect, also known as Eckert–Greifendorff, quartic authalic, and Briesemeister.
d3.geoGuyou() d3.geoGuyouRaw The Guyou hemisphere-in-a-square projection. Peirce is credited with its quincuncial form.
d3.geoGringortenQuincuncial() The Gringorten square equal-area projection.
d3.geoGringorten() d3.geoGringortenRaw The Gringorten square equal-area projection, rearranged to give each hemisphere an entire square.
d3.geoGraticule10() A convenience method for directly generating the default 10° global graticule as a GeoJSON MultiLineString geometry object. Equivalent to: function geoGraticule10() { return d3.geoGraticule()(); }
d3.geoGraticule() Constructs a feature generator for creating graticules: a uniform grid of meridians and parallels for showing projection distortion. The default graticule has meridians and parallels every 10° between ±80° latitude; for the polar regions, there are meridians every 90°.
d3.geoGnomonic() d3.geoGnomonicRaw The gnomonic projection; see d3-geo.
d3.geoGnomonic() d3.geoGnomonicRaw The gnomonic projection.
d3.geoGinzburg9() d3.geoGinzburg9Raw The Ginzburg IX projection.
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