import_epsg(epsg) Import spatial reference from EPSG code.
geographic Returns True if this spatial reference is geographic (root node is GEOGCS).
import_proj(proj) Import spatial reference from PROJ.4 string.
from_esri() Morphs this SpatialReference from ESRI’s format to EPSG
identify_epsg() This method inspects the WKT of this SpatialReference and will add EPSG authority nodes where an EPSG identifier is applicable.
clone() Returns a clone of this spatial reference object.
ellipsoid Returns a tuple of the ellipsoid parameters for this spatial reference: (semimajor axis, semiminor axis, and inverse flattening).
angular_units Returns the value of the angular units.
attr_value(target, index=0) The attribute value for the given target node (e.g. 'PROJCS'). The index keyword specifies an index of the child node to return.
auth_code(target) Returns the authority code for the given string target node.
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