
World:getContactCount Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Returns the number of contacts in the world. Function Synopsis n = World:getContactCount( ) Arguments None. Returns number n The number of contacts in the world. See Also World


World:getCallbacks Returns functions for the callbacks during the world update. Function Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This variant is not supported in earlier versions. Synopsis beginContact, endContact, preSolve, postSolve = World:getCallbacks( ) Arguments None. Returns function beginContact Gets called when two fixtures begin to overlap. function endContact Gets called when two fixtures cease to overlap. function preSolve Gets called before a collision gets resolved. function postSolve


World:getBodyList Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Returns a table with all bodies. Function Synopsis bodies = World:getBodyList( ) Arguments None. Returns table bodies A sequence with all bodies. See Also World


World:getBodyCount Returns the number of bodies in the world. Function Synopsis n = World:getBodyCount( ) Arguments None. Returns number n The number of bodies in the world. See Also World


World:getAllowSleeping Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Removed in LÖVE 0.9.0 It has been renamed to World:isSleepingAllowed. Returns the sleep behaviour of the world. Function Synopsis allowSleep = World:getAllowSleeping( ) Arguments None. Returns boolean allowSleep True if the bodies are allowed to sleep or false if not. See Also World World:setAllowSleeping


World:destroy Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Destroys the world, taking all bodies, joints, fixtures and their shapes with it. An error will occur if you attempt to use any of the destroyed objects after calling this function. Function Synopsis World:destroy( ) Arguments None. Returns Nothing. See Also World


WheelJoint:setSpringFrequency Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new spring frequency. Function Synopsis WheelJoint:setSpringFrequency( freq ) Arguments number freq The new frequency in hertz. Returns Nothing. See Also WheelJoint WheelJoint:getSpringFrequency


WheelJoint:setSpringDampingRatio Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new damping ratio. Function Synopsis WheelJoint:setSpringDampingRatio( ratio ) Arguments number ratio The new damping ratio. Returns Nothing. See Also WheelJoint WheelJoint:getSpringDampingRatio


WheelJoint:setMotorSpeed Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new speed for the motor. Function Synopsis WheelJoint:setMotorSpeed( speed ) Arguments number speed The new speed for the joint motor in radians per second. Returns Nothing. See Also WheelJoint WheelJoint:getMotorSpeed


WheelJoint:setMotorEnabled Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Starts and stops the joint motor. Function Synopsis WheelJoint:setMotorEnabled( enable ) Arguments boolean enable True turns the motor on and false turns it off. Returns Nothing. See Also WheelJoint