
love.physics.newWorld Creates a new World. Function Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This variant is not supported in earlier versions. Synopsis world = love.physics.newWorld( xg, yg, sleep ) Arguments number xg (0) The x component of gravity. number yg (0) The y component of gravity. boolean sleep (true) Whether the bodies in this world are allowed to sleep. Returns World world A brave new World. Function Removed in LÖVE 0.8.0 This variant is not supported in that and later versions.


Shape:getType Gets a string representing the Shape. This function can be useful for conditional debug drawing. Function Synopsis type = Shape:getType( ) Arguments None. Returns ShapeType type The type of the Shape. Examples Printing the type of a shape shape1 = love.physics.newCircleShape( my_body, 0, 0, 20 ) print(shape1:getType()) -- outputs: 'circle'   shape2 = love.physics.newPolygonShape( my_body, ... ) print(shape2:getType()) -- outputs: 'polygon'   shape3 = love.physics.newRectangle


MouseJoint:setMaxForce Sets the highest allowed force. Function Synopsis MouseJoint:setMaxForce( f ) Arguments number f The max allowed force. Returns Nothing. See Also MouseJoint


SoundData:getBits Removed in LÖVE 0.9.0 It has been renamed to SoundData:getBitDepth. Returns the number of bits per sample. Function Synopsis bits = SoundData:getBits( ) Arguments None. Returns number bits Either 8, or 16. See Also SoundData


Body:getWorldVector Transform a vector from local coordinates to world coordinates. Function Synopsis worldX, worldY = Body:getWorldVector( localX, localY ) Arguments number localX The vector x component in local coordinates. number localY The vector y component in local coordinates. Returns number worldX The vector x component in world coordinates. number worldY The vector y component in world coordinates. See Also Body


Canvas:getFSAA Available since LÖVE 0.9.1 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Removed in LÖVE 0.10.0 It has been renamed to Canvas:getMSAA. Gets the number of antialiasing samples used when drawing to the Canvas. This may be different than the number used as an argument to if the system running LÖVE doesn't support that number. Function Synopsis samples = Canvas:getFSAA( ) Arguments None. Returns number samples The number of antialiasing sampl


love.thread.newThread Available since LÖVE 0.7.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Creates a new Thread from a Lua file or FileData object. Function Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This variant is not supported in earlier versions. Synopsis thread = love.thread.newThread( filename ) Arguments string filename The name of the Lua file to use as the source. Returns Thread thread A new Thread that has yet to be started. Function Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This variant


ImageData:getDimensions Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Gets the width and height of the ImageData in pixels. Function Synopsis width, height = ImageData:getDimensions( ) Arguments None. Returns number width The width of the ImageData in pixels. number height The height of the ImageData in pixels. See Also ImageData


Canvas:getPixel Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 and removed in LÖVE 0.10.0 Use Canvas:newImageData instead. Gets the pixel at the specified position from a Canvas. Valid x and y values start at 0 and go up to canvas width and height minus 1. This function can be very slow: it can cause the CPU to wait for the GPU to finish all the work currently in its queue, which can be a whole frame's worth (or more.) Function Synopsis r, g, b, a = Canvas:getPixel( x, y ) Arguments number x The position


love.physics.newPrismaticJoint Creates a PrismaticJoint between two bodies. A prismatic joint constrains two bodies to move relatively to each other on a specified axis. It does not allow for relative rotation. Its definition and operation are similar to a revolute joint, but with translation and force substituted for angle and torque. Function Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This variant is not supported in earlier versions. Synopsis joint = love.physics.newPrismaticJoint( body1, body2, x,