
PulleyJoint:setMaxLengths Set the maximum lengths of the rope segments. The physics module also imposes maximum values for the rope segments. If the parameters exceed these values, the maximum values are set instead of the requested values. Function Synopsis PulleyJoint:setMaxLengths( max1, max2 ) Arguments number max1 The new maximum length of the first segment. number max2 The new maximum length of the second segment. Returns Nothing. See Also PulleyJoint


WeldJoint:setFrequency Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new frequency. Function Synopsis WeldJoint:setFrequency( freq ) Arguments number freq The new frequency in hertz. Returns Nothing. See Also WeldJoint WeldJoint:getFrequency


Thread:receive Available since LÖVE 0.7.0 and removed in LÖVE 0.8.0 It has been renamed to Thread:get. Receive a message from a thread. Returns nil when a message is not in the message box. Function Synopsis value = Thread:receive(name) Arguments string name The name of the message. Returns Variant value The contents of the message or nil when no message in message box. See Also Thread


love.physics.newRevoluteJoint Creates a pivot joint between two bodies. This joint connects two bodies to a point around which they can pivot. Function Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This variant is not supported in earlier versions. Synopsis joint = love.physics.newRevoluteJoint( body1, body2, x, y, collideConnected ) Arguments Body body1 The first body. Body body2 The second body. number x The x position of the connecting point. number y The y position of the connecting point. boolean


MouseJoint:getFrequency Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Returns the frequency. Function Synopsis freq = MouseJoint:getFrequency( ) Arguments None. Returns number freq The frequency in hertz. See Also MouseJoint MouseJoint:setFrequency


love.graphics.rotate Rotates the coordinate system in two dimensions. Calling this function affects all future drawing operations by rotating the coordinate system around the origin by the given amount of radians. This change lasts until love.draw() exits. Function Synopsis love.graphics.rotate( angle ) Arguments number angle The amount to rotate the coordinate system in radians. Returns Nothing. Examples Rotating a static scene This example shows how to rotate a static scene around a giv


Source:clone Available since LÖVE 0.9.1 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Creates an identical copy of the Source in the stopped state. Static Sources will use significantly less memory and take much less time to be created if Source:clone is used to create them instead of love.audio.newSource, so this method should be preferred when making multiple Sources which play the same sound. Function Synopsis source = Source:clone( ) Arguments None. Returns Source source The n


Source:setPitch Sets the pitch of the Source. Function Synopsis Source:setPitch( pitch ) Arguments number pitch Calculated with regard to 1 being the base pitch. Each reduction by 50 percent equals a pitch shift of -12 semitones (one octave reduction). Each doubling equals a pitch shift of 12 semitones (one octave increase). Zero is not a legal value. Returns Nothing. Examples function love.load() sound = love.audio.newSource("sound.wav")   -- Note that this code, as-is, will set t


Source:getCone Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Gets the Source's directional volume cones. Together with Source:setDirection, the cone angles allow for the Source's volume to vary depending on its direction. Function Synopsis innerAngle, outerAngle, outerVolume = Source:getCone( ) Arguments None. Returns number innerAngle The inner angle from the Source's direction, in radians. The Source will play at normal volume if the listener is inside


Body:setLinearVelocity Sets a new linear velocity for the Body. This function will not accumulate anything; any impulses previously applied since the last call to World:update will be lost. Function Synopsis Body:setLinearVelocity( x, y ) Arguments number x The x-component of the velocity vector. number y The y-component of the velocity vector. Returns Nothing. See Also Body