
set_color skimage.draw.set_color(img, coords, color, alpha=1) [source] Set pixel color in the image at the given coordinates. Coordinates that exceed the shape of the image will be ignored. Parameters: img : (M, N, D) ndarray Image coords : tuple of ((P,) ndarray, (P,) ndarray) Row and column coordinates of pixels to be colored. color : (D,) ndarray Color to be assigned to coordinates in the image. alpha : scalar or (N,) ndarray Alpha values used to blend color with image. 0 is trans


deltaE_ciede94 skimage.color.deltaE_ciede94(lab1, lab2, kH=1, kC=1, kL=1, k1=0.045, k2=0.015) [source] Color difference according to CIEDE 94 standard Accommodates perceptual non-uniformities through the use of application specific scale factors (kH, kC, kL, k1, and k2). Parameters: lab1 : array_like reference color (Lab colorspace) lab2 : array_like comparison color (Lab colorspace) kH : float, optional Hue scale kC : float, optional Chroma scale kL : float, optional Lightness sca


inverse skimage.filters.inverse(data, impulse_response=None, filter_params={}, max_gain=2, predefined_filter=None) [source] Apply the filter in reverse to the given data. Parameters: data : (M,N) ndarray Input data. impulse_response : callable f(r, c, **filter_params) Impulse response of the filter. See LPIFilter2D.__init__. filter_params : dict Additional keyword parameters to the impulse_response function. max_gain : float Limit the filter gain. Often, the filter contains zeros, wh


mean skimage.filters.rank.mean(image, selem, out=None, mask=None, shift_x=False, shift_y=False) [source] Return local mean of an image. Parameters: image : 2-D array (uint8, uint16) Input image. selem : 2-D array The neighborhood expressed as a 2-D array of 1’s and 0’s. out : 2-D array (same dtype as input) If None, a new array is allocated. mask : ndarray Mask array that defines (>0) area of the image included in the local neighborhood. If None, the complete image is used (defaul


gray2rgb skimage.color.gray2rgb(image, alpha=None) [source] Create an RGB representation of a gray-level image. Parameters: image : array_like Input image of shape (M, N [, P]). alpha : bool, optional Ensure that the output image has an alpha layer. If None, alpha layers are passed through but not created. Returns: rgb : ndarray RGB image of shape (M, N, [, P], 3). Raises: ValueError If the input is not a 2- or 3-dimensional image.


rgb2lab skimage.color.rgb2lab(rgb) [source] RGB to lab color space conversion. Parameters: rgb : array_like The image in RGB format, in a 3- or 4-D array of shape (.., ..,[ ..,] 3). Returns: out : ndarray The image in Lab format, in a 3- or 4-D array of shape (.., ..,[ ..,] 3). Raises: ValueError If rgb is not a 3- or 4-D array of shape (.., ..,[ ..,] 3). Notes This function uses rgb2xyz and xyz2lab.


Button class skimage.viewer.widgets.Button(name, callback) [source] Bases: skimage.viewer.widgets.core.BaseWidget Button which calls callback upon click. Parameters: name : str Name of button. callback : callable f() Function to call when button is clicked. __init__(name, callback) [source]


dilation skimage.morphology.dilation(image, selem=None, *args, **kwargs) [source] Return greyscale morphological dilation of an image. Morphological dilation sets a pixel at (i,j) to the maximum over all pixels in the neighborhood centered at (i,j). Dilation enlarges bright regions and shrinks dark regions. Parameters: image : ndarray Image array. selem : ndarray, optional The neighborhood expressed as a 2-D array of 1’s and 0’s. If None, use cross-shaped structuring element (connectivit


ellipse_perimeter skimage.draw.ellipse_perimeter() Generate ellipse perimeter coordinates. Parameters: cy, cx : int Centre coordinate of ellipse. yradius, xradius : int Minor and major semi-axes. (x/xradius)**2 + (y/yradius)**2 = 1. orientation : double, optional (default 0) Major axis orientation in clockwise direction as radians. shape : tuple, optional Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output pixel coordinates. This is useful for ellipses which exceed th


img_as_uint skimage.img_as_uint(image, force_copy=False) [source] Convert an image to 16-bit unsigned integer format. Parameters: image : ndarray Input image. force_copy : bool Force a copy of the data, irrespective of its current dtype. Returns: out : ndarray of uint16 Output image. Notes Negative input values will be clipped. Positive values are scaled between 0 and 65535.