
__SUB__ A special token that returns a reference to the current subroutine, or undef outside of a subroutine. The behaviour of __SUB__ within a regex code block (such as /(?{...})/ ) is subject to change. This token is only available under use v5.16 or the "current_sub" feature. See feature.


__PACKAGE__ A special token that returns the name of the package in which it occurs.


y/// The transliteration operator. Same as tr///. See Quote-Like Operators in perlop.

xsubpp - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS ENVIRONMENT AUTHOR MODIFICATION HISTORY SEE ALSO NAME xsubpp - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code SYNOPSIS xsubpp [-v] [-except] [-s pattern] [-prototypes] [-noversioncheck] [-nolinenumbers] [-nooptimize] [-typemap typemap] [-output filename]... file.xs DESCRIPTION This compiler is typically run by the makefiles created by ExtUtils::MakeMaker or by Module::Build or other Perl module build tools. xsubpp will compile XS code into C code by embedding t


__LINE__ A special token that compiles to the current line number.


__FILE__ A special token that returns the name of the file in which it occurs.


__END__ These keywords are documented in Special Literals in perldata.


__DATA__ These keywords are documented in Special Literals in perldata.

XSLoader - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONMigration from DynaLoader Backward compatible boilerplate Order of initialization: early load()The most hairy case DIAGNOSTICS LIMITATIONS KNOWN BUGS BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHORS COPYRIGHT & LICENSE NAME XSLoader - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code VERSION Version 0.17 SYNOPSIS package YourPackage; require XSLoader; XSLoader::load(); DESCRIPTION This module defines a standard simplified interface to the dynamic linking mechanisms available on many


xor These operators are documented in perlop.