Pod::Parser - base class for creating POD filters and translators

NAME SYNOPSIS REQUIRES EXPORTS DESCRIPTION QUICK OVERVIEW PARSING OPTIONS RECOMMENDED SUBROUTINE/METHOD OVERRIDES *command()* *verbatim()* *textblock()* *interior_sequence()* OPTIONAL SUBROUTINE/METHOD OVERRIDES *new()* *initialize()* *begin_pod()* *begin_input()* *end_input()* *end_pod()* *preprocess_line()* *preprocess_paragraph()* METHODS FOR PARSING AND PROCESSING *parse_text()* *interpolate()* *parse_from_filehandle()* *parse_from_file()* ACCESSOR METHODS *errorsub()* *cutting()* *parseopt

Tie::Handle - base class definitions for tied handles

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION MORE INFORMATION COMPATIBILITY NAME Tie::Handle - base class definitions for tied handles SYNOPSIS package NewHandle; require Tie::Handle; @ISA = qw(Tie::Handle); sub READ { ... } # Provide a needed method sub TIEHANDLE { ... } # Overrides inherited method package main; tie *FH, 'NewHandle'; DESCRIPTION This module provides some skeletal methods for handle-tying classes. See perltie for a list of the functions required in tying a handle to a package. The basic



perlsymbian - Perl version 5 on Symbian OS

NAME DESCRIPTIONCompiling Perl on Symbian Compilation problems PerlApp sisify.pl Using Perl in Symbian TO DO WARNING NOTE AUTHOR COPYRIGHT LICENSE HISTORY NAME perlsymbian - Perl version 5 on Symbian OS DESCRIPTION This document describes various features of the Symbian operating system that will affect how Perl version 5 (hereafter just Perl) is compiled and/or runs. NOTE: this port (as of 0.4.1) does not compile into a Symbian OS GUI application, but instead it results in a Symbian DLL. T

Pod::Find - find POD documents in directory trees

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONpod_find( { %opts } , @directories ) simplify_name( $str ) pod_where( { %opts }, $pod ) contains_pod( $file , $verbose ) AUTHOR SEE ALSO NAME Pod::Find - find POD documents in directory trees SYNOPSIS use Pod::Find qw(pod_find simplify_name); my %pods = pod_find({ -verbose => 1, -inc => 1 }); foreach(keys %pods) { print "found library POD `$pods{$_}' in $_\n"; } print "podname=",simplify_name('a/b/c/mymodule.pod'),"\n"; $location = pod_where( { -inc =>


map BLOCK LIST map EXPR,LIST Evaluates the BLOCK or EXPR for each element of LIST (locally setting $_ to each element) and returns the list value composed of the results of each such evaluation. In scalar context, returns the total number of elements so generated. Evaluates BLOCK or EXPR in list context, so each element of LIST may produce zero, one, or more elements in the returned value. @chars = map(chr, @numbers); translates a list of numbers to the corresponding characters. my @squares =

Bitwise String Operators

Bitwise String Operators Bitstrings of any size may be manipulated by the bitwise operators (~ | & ^). If the operands to a binary bitwise op are strings of different sizes, | and ^ ops act as though the shorter operand had additional zero bits on the right, while the & op acts as though the longer operand were truncated to the length of the shorter. The granularity for such extension or truncation is one or more bytes. # ASCII-based examples print "j p \n" ^ " a h"; # prints "


split /PATTERN/,EXPR,LIMIT split /PATTERN/,EXPR split /PATTERN/ split Splits the string EXPR into a list of strings and returns the list in list context, or the size of the list in scalar context. If only PATTERN is given, EXPR defaults to $_ . Anything in EXPR that matches PATTERN is taken to be a separator that separates the EXPR into substrings (called "fields") that do not include the separator. Note that a separator may be longer than one character or even have no characters at all (the em

Time::Piece - Object Oriented time objects

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION USAGELocal Locales Date Calculations Date Comparisons Date Parsing YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Week Number Global Overriding CAVEATSSetting $ENV{TZ} in Threads on Win32 Use of epoch seconds AUTHOR COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE SEE ALSO BUGS NAME Time::Piece - Object Oriented time objects SYNOPSIS use Time::Piece; my $t = localtime; print "Time is $t\n"; print "Year is ", $t->year, "\n"; DESCRIPTION This module replaces the standard localtime and gmtime functions with implem

perlbug - how to submit bug reports on Perl

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS AUTHORS SEE ALSO BUGS NAME perlbug - how to submit bug reports on Perl SYNOPSIS perlbug perlbug [ -v ] [ -a address ] [ -s subject ] [ -b body | -f inputfile ] [ -F outputfile ] [ -r returnaddress ] [ -e editor ] [ -c adminaddress | -C ] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -d ] [ -A ] [ -h ] [ -T ] perlbug [ -v ] [ -r returnaddress ] [ -A ] [ -ok | -okay | -nok | -nokay ] perlthanks DESCRIPTION This program is designed to help you generate and send bug reports (and thank-you not