Math::Complex - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPERATIONS CREATION DISPLAYINGCHANGED IN PERL 5.6 USAGE CONSTANTSPI Inf ERRORS DUE TO DIVISION BY ZERO OR LOGARITHM OF ZERO ERRORS DUE TO INDIGESTIBLE ARGUMENTS BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHORS LICENSE NAME Math::Complex - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions SYNOPSIS use Math::Complex; $z = Math::Complex->make(5, 6); $t = 4 - 3*i + $z; $j = cplxe(1, 2*pi/3); DESCRIPTION This package lets you create and manipulate complex numbers. By default, Perl limit

Math::BigRat - Arbitrary big rational numbers

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONMATH LIBRARY METHODSnew() numerator() denominator() parts() numify() as_int()/as_number() as_float() as_hex() as_bin() as_oct() from_hex()/from_bin()/from_oct() length() digit() bnorm() bfac() bround()/round()/bfround() bmod() bneg() is_one() is_zero() is_pos()/is_positive() is_neg()/is_negative() is_int() is_odd() is_even() bceil() bfloor() bsqrt() broot() badd()/bmul()/bsub()/bdiv()/bdec()/binc() copy() bstr()/bsstr() bacmp()/bcmp() blsft()/brsft() bpow() bexp() bno

Math::BigInt::FastCalc - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION STORAGE METHODS LICENSE AUTHORS SEE ALSO NAME Math::BigInt::FastCalc - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed SYNOPSIS Provides support for big integer calculations. Not intended to be used by other modules. Other modules which sport the same functions can also be used to support Math::BigInt, like Math::BigInt::GMP or Math::BigInt::Pari. DESCRIPTION In order to allow for multiple big integer libraries, Math::BigInt was rewritten to use library modules for co

Math::BigInt::CalcEmu - Emulate low-level math with BigInt code

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODS BUGS SUPPORT LICENSE AUTHORS SEE ALSO NAME Math::BigInt::CalcEmu - Emulate low-level math with BigInt code SYNOPSIS use Math::BigInt::CalcEmu; DESCRIPTION Contains routines that emulate low-level math functions in BigInt, e.g. optional routines the low-level math package does not provide on its own. Will be loaded on demand and called automatically by BigInt. Stuff here is really low-priority to optimize, since it is far better to implement the operation in

Math::BigInt::Calc - Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION THE Math::BigInt APIGeneral Notes API version 1 API version 2 API optional methods WRAP YOUR OWN BUGS SUPPORT LICENSE AUTHORS SEE ALSO NAME Math::BigInt::Calc - Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt SYNOPSIS This library provides support for big integer calculations. It is not intended to be used by other modules. Other modules which support the same API (see below) can also be used to support Math::BigInt, like Math::BigInt::GMP and Math::BigInt::Pari. DESCRIPT

Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer/float math package

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONInput Output METHODS ACCURACY and PRECISIONPrecision P Accuracy A Fallback F Rounding mode R Infinity and Not a Number INTERNALSMATH LIBRARY SIGN mantissa(), exponent() and parts() EXAMPLES Autocreating constants PERFORMANCEAlternative math libraries SUBCLASSINGSubclassing Math::BigInt UPGRADINGAuto-upgrade EXPORTS CAVEATS BUGS SUPPORT LICENSE SEE ALSO AUTHORS NAME Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer/float math package SYNOPSIS use Math::BigInt; # or m

Math::BigFloat - Arbitrary size floating point math package

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONInput Output mantissa(), exponent() and parts() Accuracy vs. Precision Rounding METHODS Autocreating constantsMath library Using Math::BigInt::Lite EXPORTS CAVEATS BUGS SUPPORT LICENSE SEE ALSO AUTHORS NAME Math::BigFloat - Arbitrary size floating point math package SYNOPSIS use Math::BigFloat; # Number creation my $x = Math::BigFloat->new($str); # defaults to 0 my $y = $x->copy(); # make a true copy my $nan = Math::BigFloat->bnan(); # create a N


map BLOCK LIST map EXPR,LIST Evaluates the BLOCK or EXPR for each element of LIST (locally setting $_ to each element) and returns the list value composed of the results of each such evaluation. In scalar context, returns the total number of elements so generated. Evaluates BLOCK or EXPR in list context, so each element of LIST may produce zero, one, or more elements in the returned value. @chars = map(chr, @numbers); translates a list of numbers to the corresponding characters. my @squares =


m// The match operator. See Regexp Quote-Like Operators in perlop.


lt These operators are documented in perlop.