IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate - Uncompress zlib-based (zip, gzip) file/buffer

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Functional Interfaceanyinflate $input_filename_or_reference => $output_filename_or_reference [, OPTS] Notes Optional Parameters Examples OO InterfaceConstructor Constructor Options Examples Methodsread read getline getc ungetc inflateSync getHeaderInfo tell eof seek binmode opened autoflush input_line_number fileno close nextStream trailingData Importing EXAMPLESWorking with Net::FTP SEE ALSO AUTHOR MODIFICATION HISTORY COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE NAME IO::Uncomp

IO::Socket::UNIX - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTOR METHODS SEE ALSO AUTHOR COPYRIGHT NAME IO::Socket::UNIX - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets SYNOPSIS use IO::Socket::UNIX; my $SOCK_PATH = "$ENV{HOME}/unix-domain-socket-test.sock"; # Server: my $server = IO::Socket::UNIX->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM(), Local => $SOCK_PATH, Listen => 1, ); my $count = 1; while (my $conn = $server->accept()) { $conn->print("Hello " . ($count++) . "\n"); } # Client: my $client =

IO::Socket::INET - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTORMETHODS SEE ALSO AUTHOR COPYRIGHT NAME IO::Socket::INET - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets SYNOPSIS use IO::Socket::INET; DESCRIPTION IO::Socket::INET provides an object interface to creating and using sockets in the AF_INET domain. It is built upon the IO::Socket interface and inherits all the methods defined by IO::Socket. CONSTRUCTOR new ( [ARGS] ) Creates an IO::Socket::INET object, which is a reference to a newly created symbol (see the

IO::Socket - Object interface to socket communications

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTOR METHODS LIMITATIONS SEE ALSO AUTHOR COPYRIGHT NAME IO::Socket - Object interface to socket communications SYNOPSIS use IO::Socket; DESCRIPTION IO::Socket provides an object interface to creating and using sockets. It is built upon the IO::Handle interface and inherits all the methods defined by IO::Handle. IO::Socket only defines methods for those operations which are common to all types of socket. Operations which are specified to a socket in a particul

IO::Select - OO interface to the select system call

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTOR METHODS EXAMPLE AUTHOR COPYRIGHT NAME IO::Select - OO interface to the select system call SYNOPSIS use IO::Select; $s = IO::Select->new(); $s->add(\*STDIN); $s->add($some_handle); @ready = $s->can_read($timeout); @ready = IO::Select->new(@handles)->can_read(0); DESCRIPTION The IO::Select package implements an object approach to the system select function call. It allows the user to see what IO handles, see IO::Handle, are ready for

IO::Seekable - supply seek based methods for I/O objects

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION SEE ALSO HISTORY NAME IO::Seekable - supply seek based methods for I/O objects SYNOPSIS use IO::Seekable; package IO::Something; @ISA = qw(IO::Seekable); DESCRIPTION IO::Seekable does not have a constructor of its own as it is intended to be inherited by other IO::Handle based objects. It provides methods which allow seeking of the file descriptors. $io->getpos Returns an opaque value that represents the current position of the IO::File, or undef if this is not

IO::Poll - Object interface to system poll call

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODS SEE ALSO AUTHOR COPYRIGHT NAME IO::Poll - Object interface to system poll call SYNOPSIS use IO::Poll qw(POLLRDNORM POLLWRNORM POLLIN POLLHUP); $poll = IO::Poll->new(); $poll->mask($input_handle => POLLIN); $poll->mask($output_handle => POLLOUT); $poll->poll($timeout); $ev = $poll->events($input); DESCRIPTION IO::Poll is a simple interface to the system level poll routine. METHODS mask ( IO [, EVENT_MASK ] ) If EVENT_MASK is given, t

IO::Pipe - supply object methods for pipes

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTOR METHODS SEE ALSO AUTHOR COPYRIGHT NAME IO::Pipe - supply object methods for pipes SYNOPSIS use IO::Pipe; $pipe = IO::Pipe->new(); if($pid = fork()) { # Parent $pipe->reader(); while(<$pipe>) { ... } } elsif(defined $pid) { # Child $pipe->writer(); print $pipe ... } or $pipe = IO::Pipe->new(); $pipe->reader(qw(ls -l)); while(<$pipe>) { ... } DESCRIPTION IO::Pipe provides an interface to creating

IO::Handle-&gt;output_record_separator( EXPR )

IO::Handle->output_record_separator( EXPR )

IO::Handle-&gt;output_field_separator( EXPR )

IO::Handle->output_field_separator( EXPR )