$this emailOutputTo(array|mixed $addresses, bool $onlyIfOutputExists = false) E-mail the results of the scheduled operation. Parameters array|mixed $addresses bool $onlyIfOutputExists Return Value $this Exceptions LogicException
$this environments(array|mixed $environments) Limit the environments the command should run in. Parameters array|mixed $environments Return Value $this
$this emailWrittenOutputTo(array|mixed $addresses) E-mail the results of the scheduled operation if it produces output. Parameters array|mixed $addresses Return Value $this Exceptions LogicException
$this evenInMaintenanceMode() State that the command should run even in maintenance mode. Return Value $this
$this everyFiveMinutes() Schedule the event to run every five minutes. Return Value $this
$this dailyAt(string $time) Schedule the event to run daily at a given time (10:00, 19:30, etc). Parameters string $time Return Value $this
$this description(string $description) Set the human-friendly description of the event. Parameters string $description Return Value $this
$this cron(string $expression) The Cron expression representing the event's frequency. Parameters string $expression Return Value $this
$this days(array|mixed $days) Set the days of the week the command should run on. Parameters array|mixed $days Return Value $this
$this daily() Schedule the event to run daily. Return Value $this
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