$this appendOutputTo(string $location) Append the output of the command to a given location. Parameters string $location Return Value $this
string buildCommand() Build the command string. Return Value string
$this at(string $time) Schedule the command at a given time. Parameters string $time Return Value $this
$this after(Closure $callback) Register a callback to be called after the operation. Parameters Closure $callback Return Value $this
$this before(Closure $callback) Register a callback to be called before the operation. Parameters Closure $callback Return Value $this
Illuminate\Cache\Events Classes CacheHit CacheMissed KeyForgotten KeyWritten
CallbackEvent class CallbackEvent extends Event (View source) Properties string $command The command string. from Event string $expression The cron expression representing the event's frequency. from Event DateTimeZone|string $timezone The timezone the date should be evaluated on. from Event string $user The user the command should run as. from Event array $environments The list of environments the command should run under. from Event bool $evenInMaintenanceMode Indicates if the
Illuminate\Cache\Console Classes CacheTableCommand ClearCommand
void warn(string $string, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as warning output. Parameters string $string null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
void table(array $headers, Arrayable|array $rows, string $style = 'default') Format input to textual table. Parameters array $headers Arrayable|array $rows string $style Return Value void
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