
clearprivate Defined in packages/ember-metal/lib/map.js:392

Loading / Error Substates

Loading / Error Substates The Ember Router allows you to provide feedback that a route is loading, as well as when an error occurs in loading a route. loading substates During the beforeModel, model, and afterModel hooks, data may take some time to load. Technically, the router pauses the transition until the promises returned from each hook fulfill. Consider the following: app/router.js { this.route('slow-model'); }); app/routes/slow-model.js import Ember from 'embe


Ember.Location Namespace PRIVATE Defined in: packages/ember-routing/lib/location/api.js:10 Module: ember-routing Ember.Location returns an instance of the correct implementation of the location API. Implementations You can pass an implementation name (hash, history, none) to force a particular implementation to be used in your application. HashLocation Using HashLocation results in URLs with a # (hash sign) separating the server side URL portion of the URL from the portion that is used by


create (options) Objectdeprecatedprivate Defined in packages/ember-routing/lib/location/api.js:147 Use the container to lookup the location implementation that you need. This is deprecated in favor of using the container to lookup the location implementation as desired. For example: // Given a location registered as follows: container.register('location:history-test', HistoryTestLocation); // You could create a new instance via: container.lookup('location:history-test'); Parameters:


Links The {{link-to}} Helper You create a link to a route using the {{link-to}} helper. app/router.js { this.route('photos', function(){ this.route('edit', { path: '/:photo_id' }); }); }); app/templates/photos.hbs <ul> {{#each photos as |photo|}} <li>{{#link-to "photos.edit" photo}}{{photo.title}}{{/link-to}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> If the model for the photos template is a list of three photos, the rendered HTML would look somethin


_invoke (event) private Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/components/link-to.js:613 Event handler that invokes the link, activating the associated route. Parameters: event Event


titlepublic Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/components/link-to.js:364 Sets the title attribute of the LinkComponent's HTML element. Default: null


targetpublic Inherited from Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport but overwritten in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/components/link-to.js:391 Available since 1.8.0 Sets the target attribute of the LinkComponent's HTML element. Default: null


tabindexpublic Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/components/link-to.js:382 Sets the tabindex attribute of the LinkComponent's HTML element. Default: null


replaceBooleanpublic Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/components/link-to.js:435 Determines whether the LinkComponent will trigger routing via the replaceWith routing strategy. Default: false