
inflect (word, typeRules, irregular) protected Defined in node_modules/ember-inflector/addon/lib/system/inflector.js:234 Parameters: word String typeRules Object irregular Object


irregular (singular, plural) Defined in node_modules/ember-inflector/addon/lib/system/inflector.js:201 Parameters: singular String plural String


singularize (word) Defined in node_modules/ember-inflector/addon/lib/helpers/singularize.js:4 If you have Ember Inflector (such as if Ember Data is present), singularize a word. For example, turn "oxen" into "ox". Example: {{singularize myProperty}} {{singularize "oxen"}} Parameters: word String|Property word to singularize


_registerHelper (name, keyword) private Inherited from Ember.HTMLBars but overwritten in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/keywords.js:19 Parameters: name String keyword Object|Function The keyword to add.


Ember.HTMLBars.helpers Class Module: ember-data


Ember.Inflector Class Defined in: node_modules/ember-inflector/addon/lib/system/inflector.js:32 Module: ember-data Inflector.Ember provides a mechanism for supplying inflection rules for your application. Ember includes a default set of inflection rules, and provides an API for providing additional rules. Examples: Creating an inflector with no rules. var inflector = new Ember.Inflector(); Creating an inflector with the default ember ruleset. var inflector = new Ember.Inflector(Ember.Infl


makeBoundHelper (fn) private Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/make-bound-helper.js:8 Available since 1.10.0 Create a bound helper. Accepts a function that receives the ordered and hash parameters from the template. If a bound property was provided in the template, it will be resolved to its value and any changes to the bound property cause the helper function to be re-run with the updated values. params - An array of resolved ordered parameters. hash - An object containing the hash


helpersprivate Inherited from Ember.HTMLBars but overwritten in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/keywords.js:8


willDestroyprivate Inherited from Ember.CoreObject but overwritten in packages/ember-routing/lib/location/history_location.js:221 Cleans up the HistoryLocation event listener.


Ember.HTMLBars Class Module: ember-htmlbars