
game : Phaser.Game Local reference to game. Source code: tween/TweenManager.js (Line 25)


frameBased : boolean Are all newly created Tweens frame or time based? A frame based tween will use the physics elapsed timer when updating. This meansit will retain the same consistent frame rate, regardless of the speed of the device. The duration value given shouldbe given in frames. If the Tween uses a time based update (which is the default) then the duration is given in milliseconds.In this situation a 2000ms tween will last exactly 2 seconds, regardless of the device and how many visua


create(object) → {Phaser.Tween} Create a tween object for a specific object. The object can be any JavaScript object or Phaser object such as Sprite. Parameters Name Type Description object object Object the tween will be run on. Returns Phaser.Tween - The newly created tween object. Source code: tween/TweenManager.js (Line 203)


add(tween) → {Phaser.Tween} Add a new tween into the TweenManager. Parameters Name Type Description tween Phaser.Tween The tween object you want to add. Returns Phaser.Tween - The tween object you added to the manager. Source code: tween/TweenManager.js (Line 189)


[static] RUNNING : number Source code: tween/TweenData.js (Line 167)


[static] PENDING : number Source code: tween/TweenData.js (Line 161)


[static] LOOPED : number Source code: tween/TweenData.js (Line 173)


[static] COMPLETE : number Source code: tween/TweenData.js (Line 179)


yoyoDelay : number The amount of time in ms between yoyos of this tween. Source code: tween/TweenData.js (Line 101)


yoyo : boolean True if the Tween is set to yoyo, otherwise false. Source code: tween/TweenData.js (Line 96)