
elapsedSecondsSince(since) → {number} How long has passed since the given time (in seconds). Parameters Name Type Description since number The time you want to measure (in seconds). Returns number - Duration between given time and now (in seconds). Source code: time/Time.js (Line 571)


desiredFps : integer The desired frame rate of the game. This is used is used to calculate the physic / logic multiplier and how to apply catch-up logic updates. The desired frame rate of the game. Defaults to 60. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 596)


create(autoDestroy) → {Phaser.Timer} Creates a new stand-alone Phaser.Timer object. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description autoDestroy boolean <optional> true A Timer that is set to automatically destroy itself will do so after all of its events have been dispatched (assuming no looping events). Returns Phaser.Timer - The Timer object that was created. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 323)


advancedTiming : boolean If true then advanced profiling, including the fps rate, fps min/max, suggestedFps and msMin/msMax are updated. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 165)


add(timer) → {Phaser.Timer} Adds an existing Phaser.Timer object to the Timer pool. Parameters Name Type Description timer Phaser.Timer An existing Phaser.Timer object. Returns Phaser.Timer - The given Phaser.Timer object. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 308)


width : number The width of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set Source code: pixi/extras/TilingSprite.js (Line 517)


tintedTexture :Canvas A canvas that contains the tinted version of the Sprite (in Canvas mode, WebGL doesn't populate this) Inherited From PIXI.Sprite#tintedTexture Default Value null Source code: pixi/display/Sprite.js (Line 73)


tint : number The tint applied to the sprite. This is a hex value Default Value 0xFFFFFF Source code: pixi/extras/TilingSprite.js (Line 68)


tilingTexture :PIXITexture An internal Texture object that holds the tiling texture that was generated from TilingSprite.texture. Source code: pixi/extras/TilingSprite.js (Line 103)


new TilingSprite(texture, width, height) A tiling sprite is a fast way of rendering a tiling image Parameters Name Type Description texture PIXI.Texture the texture of the tiling sprite width Number the width of the tiling sprite height Number the height of the tiling sprite Source code: pixi/extras/TilingSprite.js (Line 5)