
basic_istream& operator>>( short& value ); basic_istream& operator>>( unsigned short& value ); (1) basic_istream& operator>>( int& value ); basic_istream& operator>>( unsigned int& value ); (2) basic_istream& operator>>( long& value ); basic_istream& operator>>( unsigned long& value ); (3) basic_istream& operator>>( long long& value ); basic_istream& operator>>( unsigne


basic_istream& ignore( std::streamsize count = 1, int_type delim = Traits::eof() ); Extracts and discards characters from the input stream until and including delim. ignore behaves as an UnformattedInputFunction. After constructing and checking the sentry object, it extracts characters from the stream and discards them until any one of the following conditions occurs: count characters were extracted. This test is disabled in the special case when count equals std::numeric_limits<


basic_istream& getline( char_type* s, std::streamsize count ); (1) basic_istream& getline( char_type* s, std::streamsize count, char_type delim ); (2) Extracts characters from stream until end of line or the specified delimiter delim. The first version is equivalent to getline(s, count, widen('\n')). Behaves as UnformattedInputFunction. After constructing and checking the sentry object, extracts characters from *this and stores them in successive locations of the array who


int_type get(); (1) basic_istream& get( char_type& ch ); (2) basic_istream& get( char_type* s, std::streamsize count ); (3) basic_istream& get( char_type* s, std::streamsize count, char_type delim ); (4) basic_istream& get( basic_streambuf& strbuf ); (5) basic_istream& get( basic_streambuf& strbuf, char_type delim ); (6) Extracts character or characters from stream. All versions behave as UnformattedInputFunctions. After cons


std::streamsize gcount() const; Returns the number of characters extracted by the last unformatted input operation. The following member functions of basic_istream change the value of subsequent gcount() calls: move constructor swap() get() getline() ignore() read() readsome() operator>>(basic_streambuf*) The following functions set gcount() to zero: constructor putback() unget() peek() Parameters (none). Return value The number of characters extr


explicit basic_istream( std::basic_streambuf<CharT, Traits>* sb); (1) protected: basic_istream( const basic_istream& rhs ) = delete; (2) (since C++11) protected: basic_istream( basic_istream&& rhs ); (3) (since C++11) 1) Constructs the basic_istream object, assigning initial values to the base class by calling basic_ios::init(sb). The value of gcount() is initialized to zero. 2) The copy constructor is protected, and is deleted. Input streams are not copyab


Defined in header <istream> template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT> > class basic_istream : virtual public std::basic_ios<CharT, Traits> The class template basic_istream provides support for high level input operations on character streams. The supported operations include formatted input (e.g. integer values or whitespace-separated characters and characters strings) and unformatted input (e.g. raw characters and character a


protected: void swap( basic_iostream& other ); (since C++11) Exchanges the state with another input/output stream object. Effectively calls basic_istream<CharT,Traits>::swap(other). This member function is protected: it is called by the swap member functions of the derived stream classes std::basic_stringstream and std::basic_fstream, which know how to correctly swap the associated stream buffers. Parameters other - another stream to exchange the state with Return


explicit basic_iostream( std::basic_streambuf<CharT,Traits>* sb ); (1) basic_iostream( const basic_iostream& other ) = delete; (2) (since C++11) protected: basic_iostream( basic_iostream&& other ); (3) (since C++11) Constructs new stream object. 1) Initializes with streambuf sb. The base classes are initialized as basic_istream<CharT,Traits>(sb) and basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>(sb). After the call rdbuf() == sb and gcount() == 0. 2) Copy constr


Defined in header <istream> template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT> > class basic_iostream; The class template basic_iostream provides support for high level input/output operations on streams. The supported operations include sequential reading or writing and formatting. This functionality is implemented over the interface, provided by the basic_streambuf class. It is accessed through basic_ios class. Inheritance diagram. T