
Scroll to a particular Y position without triggering scroll event listeners. Scroll to a particular Y position without triggering scroll event listeners. jQuery.mobile.silentScroll( yPos ) yPos Number


Utility method for retrieving the current location as a parsed object. This method gets the current location via getLocation() and returns the result of parsing this value via parseUrl(). jQuery.mobile.path.parseLocation() This method does not accept any arguments.


Creates a navbar widget Simple navbar jQuery Mobile has a very basic navbar widget that is useful for providing up to 5 buttons with optional icons in a bar, typically within a header or footer. There is also a persistent navbar variation that works more like a tab bar that stays fixed as you navigate across pages. A navbar is coded as an unordered list of links wrapped in a container element that has the data-role="navbar" attribute. This is a


Utility method for converting a relative file or directory path into an absolute path. Given a path that is relative to another absolute path, this utility will convert the relative path to an absolute path based on the given absolute path. jQuery.mobile.path.makePathAbsolute( relPath, absPath ) relPath


Retrieves the theme of the nearest parent that has a theme assigned. This method is no longer useful, since theme inheritance is implemented entirely in CSS as of jQuery Mobile 1.4.0. jQuery.mobile.getInheritedTheme( el, defaultTheme ) el jQuery A jQuery collection objec


Utility method for determining the directory portion of an URL. Utility method for determining the directory portion of an URL. If the URL has no trailing slash, the last component of the URL is considered to be a file. This function returns the directory portion of a given URL. jQuery.mobile.path.get( url ) url


Utility method for retrieving the original document base URL. jQuery.mobile.path.getDocumentBase( asParsedObject ) asParsedObject (default: false) Boolean The function normally returns the original document base URL as a string. However, if you specify a truthy value for this parameter, the ori


Utility method for converting a relative URL to an absolute URL. This function returns a string that is an absolute version of the relative URL passed in. jQuery.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute( relUrl, absUrl ) relUrl String


Utility method for safely retrieving the current location. The browser's location.href may contain the username/password information. getLocation() always returns location.href stripped of the username/password information if present, ensuring that your code is not vulnerable to XSS attacks. jQuery.mobile.path.getLocation() This me


Utility method for determining if a URL is a relative variant. Utility method for determining if a URL is relative variant. This function returns a boolean true if the URL is relative, false if it is absolute. jQuery.mobile.path.isRelativeUrl( url ) url String