
Alter the url and track history. Works for browsers with and without the new history API. The $.mobile.navigate method provides a uniform history manipulation API for browsers that support the new history API and those that don't (hashchange). It works in concert with the navigate event by storing and retrieving arbitrary data in association with a URL (much like popState and replaceState). When the user returns to a URL set by the navigate met


Store arbitrary data associated with the specified element. Returns the value that was set. When working with jQuery Mobile, jqmData should be used in place of jQuery core's data method (note that this includes $.fn.data, $.fn.removeData, and the $.data, $.removeData, and $.hasData utilities), as they automatically incorporate getting and setting of namespaced data attributes (even if no namespace is currently in use). Arguments: See jQuery's

Configuring Defaults

Configuring Defaults Working with jQuery Mobile's Auto-initialization Unlike other jQuery projects, such as jQuery and jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile automatically applies many markup enhancements as soon as it loads (long before the document.ready event fires). These enhancements are applied based on jQuery Mobile's default settings, which are designed to work with common scenarios. If changes to the settings are needed, they are easy to configure. The mobileinit event When jQuery Mobile starts, it


Remove a previously-stored piece of data. When working with jQuery Mobile, jqmRemoveData should be used in place of jQuery core's removeData method (note that this includes $.fn.data, $.fn.removeData, and the $.data, $.removeData, and $.hasData utilities), as they automatically incorporate getting and setting of namespaced data attributes (even if no namespace is currently in use). .jqmRemoveData( prop


Creates a flipswitch widget Flip switches The flip switch is an alternative look to the checkbox or the two-option select menu. It can be toggled by a click or a swipe. To create a flip switch add the attribute data-role="flipswitch" to a checkbox input or to a select which has two option values. Checkbox-based flipswitch Use the following markup to create a flipswitch based on a checkbox input: <fieldset> <div data-role="fieldconta


Adds field container styling to an element Note: .fieldcontain() is deprecated as of jQuery Mobile 1.4.0 and will be removed in 1.5.0. You can now construct responsive multi-field forms by wrapping each form element and its label in a div with class ui-field-contain. Adds class ui-field-contain to div wrappers of individual form elements which have a label. The div and the class ensure that the form is rendered responsively. At a sufficient w


Groups buttons together. Occasionally, you may want to visually group a set of buttons to form a single block that looks contained like a navigation component. To get this effect, wrap a set of buttons in a container with the data-role="controlgroup" attribute รข the framework will create a vertical button group, remove all margins and drop shadows between the buttons, and only round the first and last buttons of the set to create the effect tha


See Toolbar Widget As of jQuery Mobile 1.4.0 the functionality of the footer widget has been moved to the toolbar widget.


Creates a set of collapsible blocks of content Sets of collapsibles jQuery Mobile will visually style a set of collapsibles as a group and will make the set behave like an accordion in that only one collapsible can be open at a time if you wrap the collapsibles in a div that has the attribute data-role="collapsibleset". By default, all the collapsible sections will be collapsed. To set a section to be open when the page loads, add the data-coll


Enhance all the children of all elements in the set of matched elements. This method is responsible for performing all jQuery Mobile enhancement. Given a set of DOM elements it will enhance their children with all the widgets available. The enhancement is based on each widget's initSelector property. This selector will be used to identify the elements upon which the widget will be instantiated. You can shield elements and their children from en