
Get the closest ancestor element that is scrollable. This method finds the nearest ancestor that allows scrolling. In other words, the .scrollParent() method finds the element that the currently selected element will scroll within. Note: This method only works on jQuery objects containing one element. .scrollParent() This method does not accept


Drag a handle to select a numeric value. The jQuery UI Slider plugin makes selected elements into sliders. There are various options such as multiple handles and ranges. The handle can be moved with the mouse or the arrow keys. The slider widget will create handle elements with the class ui-slider-handle on initialization. You can specify custom handle elements by creating and appending the elements and adding the ui-slider-handle class before initial

Scale effect

Shrink or grow an element by a percentage factor. scale direction (default: "both") String The direction of the effect. Possible values: "both", "vertical" or "horizontal". origin (default: [ "middle", "center" ])


Remove ids that were set by .uniqueId() for the set of matched elements. The .removeUniqueId() will remove ids that were set by .uniqueId(). Calling .removeUniqueId() on an element that did not have its id set by .uniqueId() will have no affect, even if the element has an id. .removeUniqueId() version added: 1.9 This method

Pulsate effect

The pulsate effect hides or shows an element by pulsing it in or out. pulsate times (default: 5) Integer The number of times the element should pulse. An extra half pulse is added for hide/show.


Removes the specified class(es) from each of the set of matched elements while animating all style changes. Similar to native CSS transitions, jQuery UI's class animations provide a smooth transition from one state to another while allowing you to keep all the details about which styles to change in CSS and out of your JavaScript. All class animation methods, including .removeClass(), support custom durations and easings, as well as provide a callbac


Position an element relative to another. The jQuery UI .position() method allows you to position an element relative to the window, document, another element, or the cursor/mouse, without worrying about offset parents. Note: jQuery UI does not support positioning hidden elements. This is a standalone jQuery plugin and has no dependencies on other jQuery UI components. This plugin extends jQuery's built-in .position() method. If jQuery UI is not loaded

Puff effect

Creates a puff effect by scaling the element up and hiding it at the same time. puff percent (default: 150) Number The percentage to scale to. Examples: Toggle a d

Mouse interaction

The base interaction layer. Similar to jQuery.Widget, the mouse interaction is not intended to be used directly. It is purely a base layer for other widgets to inherit from. This page only documents what is added to jQuery.Widget, but it does include internal methods that are not intended to be overwritten. The intended public API is _mouseStart(), _mouseDrag(), _mouseStop(), and _mouseCapture(). Dependencies Widget Factory cancel


Themeable menu with mouse and keyboard interactions for navigation. A menu can be created from any valid markup as long as the elements have a strict parent/child relationship. The most commonly used element is the unordered list (<ul>): <ul id="menu"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3 <ul> <li>Item 3-1</li> <li>Item 3-2</li> <li>Item 3-3