
Change the size of an element using the mouse. The jQuery UI Resizable plugin makes selected elements resizable (meaning they have draggable resize handles). You can specify one or more handles as well as min and max width and height. Dependencies UI Core Widget Factory Mouse Interaction This widget requires some functional CSS, otherwise it won't work. If you build a custom theme, use the widget's specific CSS file as a starting point.

Highlight effect

The highlight effect hides or shows an element by animating its background color first. highlight color (default: "#ffff99") String The background color used during the animation.

Widget plugin bridge

Part of the jQuery Widget Factory is the jQuery.widget.bridge() method. This acts as the middleman between the object created by $.widget() and the jQuery API. $.widget.bridge() does a few things: Connects a regular JavaScript constructor to the jQuery API. Automatically creates instances of said object and stores it within the element's $.data cache. Allows calls to public methods. Prevents calls to private methods. Prevents method calls on uninitial


A mapping of key code descriptions to their numeric values. jQuery.ui.keyCode BACKSPACE Integer COMMA Integer DELETE


Icons jQuery UI provides a number of icons that can be used by applying class names to elements. The class names generally follow a syntax of .ui-icon-{icon type}-{icon sub description}-{direction}. For example, the following will display an icon of a thick arrow pointing north: <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n"></span> The icons are also integrated into a number of jQuery UI's widgets, such as accordion, button, menu. The following is a full list of the icons provided:


Hide the matched elements, using custom effects. This plugin extends jQuery's built-in .hide() method. If jQuery UI is not loaded, calling the .hide() method may not fail directly, as the method still exists. However, the expected behavior will not occur. .hide( effect [, options ] [, duration ] [, complete ] ) effect

Fold effect

The fold effect hides or shows an element by folding it. fold size (default: 15) Number or String The size of the "folded" element. horizFirst (default: false) Boolean Whether the hori


Display status of a determinate or indeterminate process. The progress bar is designed to display the current percent complete for a process. The bar is coded to be flexibly sized through CSS and will scale to fit inside its parent container by default. A determinate progress bar should only be used in situations where the system can accurately update the current status. A determinate progress bar should never fill from left to right, then loop bac

:focusable selector

Selects elements which can be focused. Some elements are natively focusable, while others require explicitly setting a tab index. In all cases, the element must be visible in order to be focusable. Elements of the following type are focusable if they are not disabled: input, select, textarea, button, and object. Anchors are focusable if they have an href or tabindex attribute. area elements are focusable if they are inside a named map, have an href at


Asynchronously set focus to an element. This plugin extends jQuery's built-in .focus() method. If jQuery UI is not loaded, calling the .focus() method may not fail directly, as the method still exists. However, the expected behavior will not occur. This method is deprecated. Use .focus() without arguments inside a timeout or $.Widget's ._delay() method. .focus( delay [, callback ] ) versi