ENV.index(value) â key Class Public methods Deprecated method that is equivalent to ::key
ENV.inspect â string Class Public methods Returns the contents of the environment as a String.
ENV.invert â Hash Class Public methods Returns a new hash created by using environment variable names as values and values as names.
ENV.keep_if { |name, value| } â HashENV.keep_if â Enumerator Class Public methods Deletes every environment variable where the block evaluates to false. Returns an enumerator if no block was given.
ENV.key(value) â name Class Public methods Returns the name of the environment variable with value. If the value is not found nil is returned.
ENV.key?(name) â true or false Class Public methods Returns true if there is an environment variable with the given name.
ENV.keys â Array Class Public methods Returns every environment variable name in an Array
ENV.length Class Public methods Returns the number of environment variables.
ENV.member?(name) â true or false Class Public methods Returns true if there is an environment variable with the given name.
pretty_print(q) Class Public methods
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