d3.brushSelection(node) Returns the current brush selection for the specified node. Internally, an element’s brush
d3.brushY() Creates a new one-dimensional brush along the y-dimension.
brush(group) Applies the brush to the specified group, which must be a
brush.move(group, selection) Sets the active selection of the brush on the specified group
d3.brush() Creates a new two-dimensional brush.
d3.brushX() Creates a new one-dimensional brush along the x-dimension.
brush.filter([filter]) If filter is specified, sets the filter to the specified function and returns the brush
brush.on(typenames, [listener]) If listener is specified, sets the event listener for the specified
brush.handleSize([size]) If size is specified, sets the size of the brush handles to the specified number and
brush.extent([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the brushable extent to the specified array of points [[x0