d3.geoOrthographic() d3.geoOrthographicRaw
rotation.invert(point) Returns a new array [longitude, latitude] in degrees representing the point
d3.geoStream(object, stream) Streams the specified GeoJSON
path.centroid(object) Returns the projected planar centroid (typically in pixels) for the specified GeoJSON object
path(object[, arguments…]) Renders the given object, which may be any GeoJSON feature or geometry object:
projection.precision([precision]) If precision is specified, sets the threshold for the projection’s
d3.geoConicEquidistant() d3.geoConicEquidistantRaw(phi0, phi1)
d3.geoTransverseMercator() d3.geoTransverseMercatorRaw
d3.geoIdentity() The identity transform can be used to scale, translate and clip planar geometry. It implements
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