[center]) If center is specified, sets the projection’s center to the specified center
d3.geoGraticule10() A convenience method for directly generating the default 10° global graticule as a GeoJSON MultiLineString geometry
identity.reflectY([reflect]) If reflect is specified, sets whether or not the y-dimension is reflected
graticule.outline() Returns a GeoJSON Polygon geometry object representing the outline of this graticule, i.e. along the meridians
identity.reflectX([reflect]) If reflect is specified, sets whether or not the x-dimension is reflected
d3.geoMercator() d3.geoMercatorRaw
projection.clipExtent([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the projection’s viewport clip extent to the specified
d3.geoTransform(methods) Defines an arbitrary transform using the methods defined on the specified methods object. Returns a projection stream for
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