radialArea(data) Equivalent to area.
radialArea.outerRadius([radius]) Equivalent to
stack.order([order]) If order is specified, sets the order accessor to the specified function or array and
d3.stackOrderNone(series) Returns the given series order [0, 1, … n - 1] where n is the number of elements
line.y([y]) If y is specified, sets the y accessor to the specified function or number and returns this line
pie.padAngle([angle]) If angle is specified, sets the pad angle to the specified function or number and returns
symbol.size([size]) If size is specified, sets the size to the specified function or number and returns this
area.x0([x]) If x is specified, sets the x0 accessor to the specified function or number and returns this area
curve.areaStart() Indicates the start of a new area segment. Each area segment consists of exactly two
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