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METHOD_LIST : <<HTML <div id="content"> IF:diagram <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width="100%"><tr><td align="center"> %diagram% </td></tr></table> ENDIF:diagram IF:description <div class="description">%description%</div> ENDIF:description IF:requires <div class="sectiontitle">Required Files</div> <ul> START:requires <li>HREF:aref:name:</li> END:requires </ul> ENDIF:requires IF:toc <div class="sectiontitle">Contents</div> <ul> START:toc <li><a href="#%href%">%secname%</a></li> END:toc </ul> ENDIF:toc IF:methods <div class="sectiontitle">Methods</div> <ul> START:methods <li>HREF:aref:name:</li> END:methods </ul> ENDIF:methods IF:includes <div class="sectiontitle">Included Modules</div> <ul> START:includes <li>HREF:aref:name:</li> END:includes </ul> ENDIF:includes START:sections IF:sectitle <div class="sectiontitle"><a nem="%secsequence%">%sectitle%</a></div> IF:seccomment <div class="description"> %seccomment% </div> ENDIF:seccomment ENDIF:sectitle IF:classlist <div class="sectiontitle">Classes and Modules</div> %classlist% ENDIF:classlist IF:constants <div class="sectiontitle">Constants</div> <table border='0' cellpadding='5'> START:constants <tr valign='top'> <td class="attr-name">%name%</td> <td>=</td> <td class="attr-value">%value%</td> </tr> IF:desc <tr valign='top'> <td> </td> <td colspan="2" class="attr-desc">%desc%</td> </tr> ENDIF:desc END:constants </table> ENDIF:constants IF:attributes <div class="sectiontitle">Attributes</div> <table border='0' cellpadding='5'> START:attributes <tr valign='top'> <td class='attr-rw'> IF:rw [%rw%] ENDIF:rw </td> <td class='attr-name'>%name%</td> <td class='attr-desc'>%a_desc%</td> </tr> END:attributes </table> ENDIF:attributes IF:method_list START:method_list IF:methods <div class="sectiontitle">%type% %category% methods</div> START:methods <div class="method"> <div class="title"> IF:callseq <a name="%aref%"></a><b>%callseq%</b> ENDIF:callseq IFNOT:callseq <a name="%aref%"></a><b>%name%</b>%params% ENDIF:callseq IF:codeurl [ <a href="javascript:openCode('%codeurl%')">source</a> ] ENDIF:codeurl </div> IF:m_desc <div class="description"> %m_desc% </div> ENDIF:m_desc IF:aka <div class="aka"> This method is also aliased as START:aka <a href="%aref%">%name%</a> END:aka </div> ENDIF:aka IF:sourcecode <div class="sourcecode"> <p class="source-link">[ <a href="javascript:toggleSource('%aref%_source')" id="l_%aref%_source">show source</a> ]</p> <div id="%aref%_source" class="dyn-source"> <pre> %sourcecode% </pre> </div> </div> ENDIF:sourcecode </div> END:methods ENDIF:methods END:method_list ENDIF:method_list END:sections </div> HTML
BODY : HEADER + <<ENDBODY !INCLUDE! <!-- banner header --> <div id="bodyContent"> #{METHOD_LIST} </div> #{FOOTER} ENDBODY
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