numpy.mintypecode(typechars, typeset='GDFgdf', default='d')
numpy.find_common_type(array_types, scalar_types)
numpy.promote_types(type1, type2) Returns the data type with the smallest size and smallest scalar kind to which both type1
dtype.newbyteorder(new_order='S') Return a new dtype with a different byte order. Changes are also made in all
numpy.issubdtype(arg1, arg2)
dtype.hasobject Boolean indicating whether this dtype contains any reference-counted objects in any fields or sub-dtypes
class numpy.MachAr(float_conv=, int_conv=, float_to_float=, float_to_str= at 0x49c2ce2c>, title='Python floating point number')
class numpy.format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned=False, byteorder=None)
iinfo.min Minimum value of given dtype.
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