docker-machine kill

kill Usage: docker-machine kill [arg...] Kill (abruptly force stop) a machine Description: Argument(s) are one or more machine names.

2017-02-04 08:23:07
docker-machine ls

ls Usage: docker-machine ls [OPTIONS] [arg...] List machines Options: --quiet, -q Enable quiet mode

2017-02-04 08:23:08
docker-machine inspect

inspect Usage: docker-machine inspect [OPTIONS] [arg...] Inspect information about a machine Description: Argument is a machine name

2017-02-04 08:23:06
docker-machine scp

scp Copy files from your local host to a machine, from machine to machine, or from a machine to your local host using scp. The notation is machinename

2017-02-04 08:23:11
docker-machine start

start Usage: docker-machine start [arg...] Start a machine Description: Argument(s) are one or more machine names. For example:

2017-02-04 08:23:13
docker-machine active

active See which machine is “active” (a machine is considered active if the DOCKER_HOST environment variable points to it). $

2017-02-04 08:23:03
docker-machine ip

ip Get the IP address of one or more machines. $ docker-machine ip dev $ docker-machine ip dev dev2 192.168

2017-02-04 08:23:07
docker-machine restart

restart Usage: docker-machine restart [arg...] Restart a machine Description: Argument(s) are one or more machine names. Restart

2017-02-04 08:23:10
docker-machine url

url Get the URL of a host $ docker-machine url dev tcp://

2017-02-04 08:23:15
docker-machine status

status Usage: docker-machine status [arg...] Get the status of a machine Description: Argument is a machine name. For example:

2017-02-04 08:23:13