An In-Depth Discussion of Virtual Host Matching
  • References/Server/Apache HTTP Server/Guide/Virtual Host

An In-Depth Discussion of Virtual Host Matching This document attempts to explain exactly what Apache HTTP Server does when deciding what virtual host to serve a request from. Most

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Dynamically Configured Mass Virtual Hosting
  • References/Server/Apache HTTP Server/Guide/Virtual Host

Dynamically Configured Mass Virtual Hosting This document describes how to efficiently serve an arbitrary number of virtual hosts with the Apache HTTP Server. A

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IP-based Virtual Host
  • References/Server/Apache HTTP Server/Guide/Virtual Host

Apache IP-based Virtual Host Support What is IP-based virtual hosting IP-based virtual hosting is a method to apply different directives based on the IP address

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File Descriptor Limits
  • References/Server/Apache HTTP Server/Guide/Virtual Host

File Descriptor Limits When using a large number of Virtual Hosts, Apache may run out of available file descriptors (sometimes called file handles) if each Virtual Host specifies

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Virtual Host
  • References/Server/Apache HTTP Server/Guide/Virtual Host

Apache Virtual Host documentation The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site (such as and company2

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Name-based Virtual Host
  • References/Server/Apache HTTP Server/Guide/Virtual Host

Name-based Virtual Host Support This document describes when and how to use name-based virtual hosts. Name-based vs. IP-based Virtual Hosts

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VirtualHost Examples
  • References/Server/Apache HTTP Server/Guide/Virtual Host

VirtualHost Examples This document attempts to answer the commonly-asked questions about setting up virtual

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