Module ngx_http_hls_module

The ngx_http_hls_module module provides HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) server-side support for MP4 and MOV media files. Such files typically have the .mp4, .m4v, .m4a, .mov, or .qt filename extensions. The module supports H.264 video codec, AAC and MP3 audio codecs.

For each media file, two URIs are supported:

  • A playlist URI with the “.m3u8” filename extension. The URI can accept optional arguments:
    • start” and “end” define playlist boundaries in seconds (1.9.0).
    • offset” shifts an initial playback position to the time offset in seconds (1.9.0). A positive value sets a time offset from the beginning of the playlist. A negative value sets a time offset from the end of the last fragment in the playlist.
    • len” defines the fragment length in seconds.
  • A fragment URI with the “.ts” filename extension. The URI can accept optional arguments:
    • start” and “end” define fragment boundaries in seconds.
This module is available as part of our commercial subscription.

Syntax: hls_fragment time; Default: hls_fragment 5s;

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Syntax: hls_mp4_max_buffer_size size; Default: hls_mp4_max_buffer_size

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Syntax: hls_mp4_buffer_size size; Default: hls_mp4_buffer_size 512k;

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Syntax: hls; Default: — Context: location

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Syntax: hls_buffers number size; Default: hls_buffers

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Syntax: hls_forward_args on | off; Default: hls_forward_args

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