Module ngx_http_js_module

The ngx_http_js_module module is used to implement location and variable handlers in nginScript — a subset of the JavaScript language.

This module is not built by default, it should be compiled with the nginScript module using the --add_module configuration parameter:

./configure --add-module=path-to-njs/nginx

The repository with the nginScript module can be cloned with the following command (requires Mercurial client):

hg clone

This module can also be built as dynamic:

./configure --add-dynamic_module=path-to-njs/nginx

Syntax: js_set $variable function; Default: —

2017-02-09 07:06:39

Syntax: js_include file; Default: — Context:

2017-02-09 07:06:39

Syntax: js_content function; Default: — Context:

2017-02-09 07:06:38