KEY_TBL : [ [ ?c, ?n, :item_num ], [ ?d, ?s, :detail ], [ ?D, ?l, :items ], [ ?e, ?e, :event ], [ ?I, ?n, :id ], [ ?l, ?n, :lower_bound ], [ ?p, ?n, :active_id ], [ ?P, ?e, :pattern ], [ ?S, ?l, :sel_items ], [ ?T, ?w, :widget ], [ ?u, ?n, :upper_bound ], [ ?W, ?o, :object ], [ ??, ?x, :parm_info ], nil ]
<'%' subst-key char>, <proc type char>, <instance var (accessor) name>

PROC_TBL : [ [ ?n, TkComm.method(:num_or_str) ], [ ?s, TkComm.method(:string) ], [ ?l, TkComm.method(:list) ], [ ?w, TkComm.method(:window) ], [ ?e, proc{|val| case val when /^<<[^<>]+>>$/ TkVirtualEvent.getobj(val[1..-2]) when /^<[^<>]+>$/ val[1..-2] else val end } ], [ ?o, proc{|val| TkComm.tk_tcl2ruby(val)} ], [ ?x, proc{|val| begin inf = {} Hash[*(TkComm.list(val))].each{|k, v| if keyinfo = KEY_TBL.assoc(k[0]) if cmd = PROC_TBL.assoc(keyinfo[1]) begin new_v = cmd.call(v) v = new_v rescue end end end inf[k] = v } inf rescue val end } ], nil ]

<proc type char>, <proc/method to convert tcl-str to ruby-obj>