open for reading only
open for writing only
open for reading and writing
append on each write
create file if it does not exist
error if CREAT and the file exists
do not block on open or for data to become available
truncate size to 0
not to make opened IO the controlling terminal device
disable line code conversion
any write operation perform synchronously
any write operation perform synchronously except some meta data
any read operation perform synchronously. used with SYNC or DSYNC.
do not follow symlinks
do not change atime
Try to minimize cache effects of the I/O to and from this file.
shared lock. see File#flock
exclusive lock. see File#flock
unlock. see File#flock
non-blocking lock. used with LOCK_SH or LOCK_EX. see File#flock
Name of the null device
File::Constants provides file-related constants. All possible file constants are listed in the documentation but they may not all be present on your platform.
If the underlying platform doesn't define a constant the corresponding Ruby constant is not defined.
Your platform documentations (e.g. man open(2)) may describe more detailed information.