(PECL apd >= 0.2) Echo to the debugging socket
(PECL apd 0.2-0.4) Throw an error, a callstack and then exit
(PECL apd >= 0.2) Overrides built-in functions
(PECL apd >= 0.2) Starts the session debugging
(PECL apd >= 0.2) Restarts the interpreter
(PECL apd 0.2-0.4) Returns the current call stack as an array
(PECL apd 0.2-0.4) Return all current regular resources as an array
(Unknown) Outputs the current function table
(PECL apd >= 0.2) Renames orig_name to new_name in the global function table
(PECL apd 0.2-0.4) Changes or sets the current debugging level
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