This example illustrates a basic use of Yaf_Config_Ini for loading configuration data from an INI file. In this example there are configuration data for both a production system and for a staging system. Because the staging system configuration data are very similar to those for production, the staging section inherits from the production section. In this case, the decision is arbitrary and could have been written conversely, with the production section inheriting from the staging section, though this may not be the case for more complex situations. Suppose, then, that the following configuration data are contained in /path/to/config.ini:
; Production site configuration data [production] webhost = database.adapter = pdo_mysql = database.params.username = dbuser database.params.password = secret database.params.dbname = dbname ; Staging site configuration data inherits from production and ; overrides values as necessary [staging : production] = database.params.username = devuser database.params.password = devsecret
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <?php $config = new Yaf_Config_Ini( '/path/to/config.ini' , 'staging' ); var_dump( $config ->database->params->host); var_dump( $config ->database->params->dbname); var_dump( $config ->get( "database.params.username" )); ?> |
The above example will output something similar to:
string(15) "" string(6) "dbname" string(7) "devuser