"reset" (collection, options) â when the collection's entire contents have been reset
"request" (model_or_collection, xhr, options) â when a model or collection has started a request to the server.
"invalid" (model, error, options) â when a model's validation fails on the client.
onceobject.once(event, callback, [context]) Just like on
"route:[name]" (params) â Fired by the router when a specific route is matched.
onobject.on(event, callback, [context])Alias: bind Bind a callback function to an object. The callback
triggerobject.trigger(event, [*args]) Trigger callbacks for the given event, or space-delimited list of events. Subsequent
"sync" (model_or_collection, response, options) â when a model or collection has been successfully synced with the server.
"change:[attribute]" (model, value, options) â when a specific attribute has been updated.
stopListeningobject.stopListening([other], [event], [callback]) Tell an object to stop listening to events. Either call stopListening
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