idAttributemodel.idAttribute A model's unique identifier is stored under the id attribute. If you're directly communicating
extendBackbone.Model.extend(properties, [classProperties]) To create a Model class of your own, you extend Backbone.Model
cidmodel.cid A special property of models, the cid or client id is a unique identifier automatically assigned to all models
urlRootmodel.urlRoot or model.urlRoot() Specify a urlRoot if you're using a model outside of a collection, to
constructor / initializenew Model([attributes], [options]) When creating an instance of a model, you can pass in the initial values
previousAttributesmodel.previousAttributes() Return a copy of the model's previous attributes. Useful for getting a diff between
previousmodel.previous(attribute) During a "change" event, this method can be used to get the previous value of a changed
isValidmodel.isValid() Run validate to check the model
isNewmodel.isNew() Has this model been saved to the server yet? If the model does not yet have an id, it is considered
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