NavigatorIOS wraps UIKit navigation and allows you to add back-swipe functionality across your app.

NOTE: This Component is not maintained by Facebook

This component is under community responsibility. If a pure JavaScript solution fits your needs you may try the Navigator component instead.


A route is an object used to describe each page in the navigator. The first route is provided to NavigatorIOS as initialRoute:

render: function() {
  return (
        component: MyView,
        title: 'My View Title',
        passProps: { myProp: 'foo' },

Now MyView will be rendered by the navigator. It will receive the route object in the route prop, a navigator, and all of the props specified in passProps.

See the initialRoute propType for a complete definition of a route.


A navigator is an object of navigation functions that a view can call. It is passed as a prop to any component rendered by NavigatorIOS.

var MyView = React.createClass({
  _handleBackButtonPress: function() {
  _handleNextButtonPress: function() {

Navigator functions are also available on the NavigatorIOS component:

var MyView = React.createClass({
  _handleNavigationRequest: function() {
  render: () => (

Props passed to the NavigatorIOS component will set the default configuration for the navigation bar. Props passed as properties to a route object will set the configuration for that route's navigation bar, overriding any props passed to the NavigatorIOS component.


barTintColor string

The default background color of the navigation bar

initialRoute {component: function, title: string, passProps: object, backButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source, backButtonTitle: string, leftButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source, leftButtonTitle: string, onLeftButtonPress: function, rightButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source, rightButtonTitle: string, onRightButtonPress: function, wrapperStyle: [object Object], navigationBarHidden: bool, shadowHidden: bool, tintColor: string, barTintColor: string, titleTextColor: string, translucent: bool}

NavigatorIOS uses "route" objects to identify child views, their props, and navigation bar configuration. "push" and all the other navigation operations expect routes to be like this:

interactivePopGestureEnabled bool

A Boolean value that indicates whether the interactive pop gesture is enabled. Useful for enabling/disabling the back swipe navigation gesture. If this prop is not provided, the default behavior is for the back swipe gesture to be enabled when the navigation bar is shown and disabled when the navigation bar is hidden. Once you've provided the interactivePopGestureEnabled prop, you can never restore the default behavior.

itemWrapperStyle View#style

The default wrapper style for components in the navigator. A common use case is to set the backgroundColor for every page

navigationBarHidden bool

A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is hidden by default

shadowHidden bool

A Boolean value that indicates whether to hide the 1px hairline shadow by default

tintColor string

The default color used for buttons in the navigation bar

titleTextColor string

The default text color of the navigation bar title

translucent bool

A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is translucent by default


push(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; })

Navigate forward to a new route

popN(n: number)

Go back N pages at once. When N=1, behavior matches pop()


Go back one page

replaceAtIndex(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }, index: number)

Replace a route in the navigation stack.

index specifies the route in the stack that should be replaced. If it's negative, it counts from the back.

replace(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; })

Replace the route for the current page and immediately load the view for the new route.

replacePrevious(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; })

Replace the route/view for the previous page.


Go back to the top item

popToRoute(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; })

Go back to the item for a particular route object

replacePreviousAndPop(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; })

Replaces the previous route/view and transitions back to it.

resetTo(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; })

Replaces the top item and popToTop


'use strict';

const React = require('react');
const ReactNative = require('react-native');
const ViewExample = require('./ViewExample');
const createExamplePage = require('./createExamplePage');
const {
} = ReactNative;

const EmptyPage = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.emptyPage}>
        <Text style={styles.emptyPageText}>

const NavigatorIOSExamplePage = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    var recurseTitle = 'Recurse Navigation';
    if (!this.props.depth || this.props.depth === 1) {
      recurseTitle += ' - more examples here';
    return (
      <ScrollView style={styles.list}>
        <View style={styles.line}/>
        <View style={}>
          {this._renderRow(recurseTitle, () => {
              title: NavigatorIOSExample.title,
              component: NavigatorIOSExamplePage,
              backButtonTitle: 'Custom Back',
              passProps: {depth: this.props.depth ? this.props.depth + 1 : 1},
          {this._renderRow('Push View Example', () => {
              title: 'Very Long Custom View Example Title',
              component: createExamplePage(null, ViewExample),
          {this._renderRow('Custom Right Button', () => {
              title: NavigatorIOSExample.title,
              component: EmptyPage,
              rightButtonTitle: 'Cancel',
              onRightButtonPress: () => this.props.navigator.pop(),
              passProps: {
                text: 'This page has a right button in the nav bar',
          {this._renderRow('Custom Left & Right Icons', () => {
              title: NavigatorIOSExample.title,
              component: EmptyPage,
              leftButtonTitle: 'Custom Left',
              onLeftButtonPress: () => this.props.navigator.pop(),
              rightButtonIcon: require('image!NavBarButtonPlus'),
              onRightButtonPress: () => {
                  'Bar Button Action',
                  'Recognized a tap on the bar button icon',
                      text: 'OK',
                      onPress: () => console.log('Tapped OK'),
              passProps: {
                text: 'This page has an icon for the right button in the nav bar',
          {this._renderRow('Pop', () => {
          {this._renderRow('Pop to top', () => {
          {this._renderRow('Exit NavigatorIOS Example', this.props.onExampleExit)}
        <View style={styles.line}/>

  _renderReplace: function() {
    if (!this.props.depth) {
      // this is to avoid replacing the top of the stack
      return null;
    return this._renderRow('Replace here', () => {
      var prevRoute = this.props.route;
        title: 'New Navigation',
        component: EmptyPage,
        rightButtonTitle: 'Undo',
        onRightButtonPress: () => this.props.navigator.replace(prevRoute),
        passProps: {
          text: 'The component is replaced, but there is currently no ' +
            'way to change the right button or title of the current route',

  _renderReplacePrevious: function() {
    if (!this.props.depth || this.props.depth < 2) {
      // this is to avoid replacing the top of the stack
      return null;
    return this._renderRow('Replace previous', () => {
        title: 'Replaced',
        component: EmptyPage,
        passProps: {
          text: 'This is a replaced "previous" page',
        wrapperStyle: styles.customWrapperStyle,

  _renderReplacePreviousAndPop: function() {
    if (!this.props.depth || this.props.depth < 2) {
      // this is to avoid replacing the top of the stack
      return null;
    return this._renderRow('Replace previous and pop', () => {
        title: 'Replaced and Popped',
        component: EmptyPage,
        passProps: {
          text: 'This is a replaced "previous" page',
        wrapperStyle: styles.customWrapperStyle,

  _renderRow: function(title: string, onPress: Function) {
    return (
        <TouchableHighlight onPress={onPress}>
          <View style={styles.row}>
            <Text style={styles.rowText}>
        <View style={styles.separator} />

const NavigatorIOSExample = React.createClass({
  statics: {
    title: '<NavigatorIOS>',
    description: 'iOS navigation capabilities',
    external: true,

  render: function() {
    const {onExampleExit} = this.props;
    return (
          title: NavigatorIOSExample.title,
          component: NavigatorIOSExamplePage,
          passProps: {onExampleExit},

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
  customWrapperStyle: {
    backgroundColor: '#bbdddd',
  emptyPage: {
    flex: 1,
    paddingTop: 64,
  emptyPageText: {
    margin: 10,
  list: {
    backgroundColor: '#eeeeee',
    marginTop: 10,
  group: {
    backgroundColor: 'white',
  groupSpace: {
    height: 15,
  line: {
    backgroundColor: '#bbbbbb',
    height: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
  row: {
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    paddingHorizontal: 15,
    paddingVertical: 15,
  separator: {
    height: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
    backgroundColor: '#bbbbbb',
    marginLeft: 15,
  rowNote: {
    fontSize: 17,
  rowText: {
    fontSize: 17,
    fontWeight: '500',

module.exports = NavigatorIOSExample;

popToRoute(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string;

2016-06-23 04:24:43

initialRoute {component: function, title: string, passProps: object, backButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source, backButtonTitle: string, leftButtonIcon:

2016-06-23 04:24:42

titleTextColor string The default text color of the navigation bar title

2016-06-23 04:24:46

popN(n: number) Go back N pages at once. When N=1, behavior matches pop()

2016-06-23 04:24:43

shadowHidden bool A Boolean value that indicates whether to hide the 1px hairline shadow by default

2016-06-23 04:24:45

translucent bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is translucent by default

2016-06-23 04:24:46

navigationBarHidden bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is hidden by default

2016-06-23 04:24:43

tintColor string The default color used for buttons in the navigation bar

2016-06-23 04:24:45

replace(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string;

2016-06-23 04:24:44

barTintColor string The default background color of the navigation bar

2016-06-23 04:24:42