Renders the native picker component on iOS and Android. Example:
<Picker selectedValue={this.state.language} onValueChange={(lang) => this.setState({language: lang})}> <Picker.Item label="Java" value="java" /> <Picker.Item label="JavaScript" value="js" /> </Picker>
View props...
onValueChange function
Callback for when an item is selected. This is called with the following parameters: - itemValue
: the value
prop of the item that was selected - itemPosition
: the index of the selected item in this picker
selectedValue any
Value matching value of one of the items. Can be a string or an integer.
style pickerStyleType
testID string
Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.
androidenabled bool
If set to false, the picker will be disabled, i.e. the user will not be able to make a selection.
androidmode enum('dialog', 'dropdown')
On Android, specifies how to display the selection items when the user taps on the picker:
- 'dialog': Show a modal dialog. This is the default.
- 'dropdown': Shows a dropdown anchored to the picker view
androidprompt string
Prompt string for this picker, used on Android in dialog mode as the title of the dialog.
iositemStyle itemStylePropType
Style to apply to each of the item labels.
'use strict'; const React = require('react'); const ReactNative = require('react-native'); const StyleSheet = require('StyleSheet'); const UIExplorerBlock = require('UIExplorerBlock'); const UIExplorerPage = require('UIExplorerPage'); const { Picker, Text, TouchableWithoutFeedback, } = ReactNative; const Item = Picker.Item; const PickerExample = React.createClass({ statics: { title: '<Picker>', description: 'Provides multiple options to choose from, using either a dropdown menu or a dialog.', }, getInitialState: function() { return { selected1: 'key1', selected2: 'key1', selected3: 'key1', color: 'red', mode: Picker.MODE_DIALOG, }; }, render: function() { return ( <UIExplorerPage title="<Picker>"> <UIExplorerBlock title="Basic Picker"> <Picker style={styles.picker} selectedValue={this.state.selected1} onValueChange={this.onValueChange.bind(this, 'selected1')}> <Item label="hello" value="key0" /> <Item label="world" value="key1" /> </Picker> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Disabled picker"> <Picker style={styles.picker} enabled={false} selectedValue={this.state.selected1}> <Item label="hello" value="key0" /> <Item label="world" value="key1" /> </Picker> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Dropdown Picker"> <Picker style={styles.picker} selectedValue={this.state.selected2} onValueChange={this.onValueChange.bind(this, 'selected2')} mode="dropdown"> <Item label="hello" value="key0" /> <Item label="world" value="key1" /> </Picker> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Picker with prompt message"> <Picker style={styles.picker} selectedValue={this.state.selected3} onValueChange={this.onValueChange.bind(this, 'selected3')} prompt="Pick one, just one"> <Item label="hello" value="key0" /> <Item label="world" value="key1" /> </Picker> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Picker with no listener"> <Picker style={styles.picker}> <Item label="hello" value="key0" /> <Item label="world" value="key1" /> </Picker> <Text> Cannot change the value of this picker because it doesn't update selectedValue. </Text> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Colorful pickers"> <Picker style={[styles.picker, {color: 'white', backgroundColor: '#333'}]} selectedValue={this.state.color} onValueChange={this.onValueChange.bind(this, 'color')} mode="dropdown"> <Item label="red" color="red" value="red" /> <Item label="green" color="green" value="green" /> <Item label="blue" color="blue" value="blue" /> </Picker> <Picker style={styles.picker} selectedValue={this.state.color} onValueChange={this.onValueChange.bind(this, 'color')} mode="dialog"> <Item label="red" color="red" value="red" /> <Item label="green" color="green" value="green" /> <Item label="blue" color="blue" value="blue" /> </Picker> </UIExplorerBlock> </UIExplorerPage> ); }, changeMode: function() { const newMode = this.state.mode === Picker.MODE_DIALOG ? Picker.MODE_DROPDOWN : Picker.MODE_DIALOG; this.setState({mode: newMode}); }, onValueChange: function(key: string, value: string) { const newState = {}; newState[key] = value; this.setState(newState); }, }); var styles = StyleSheet.create({ picker: { width: 100, }, }); module.exports = PickerExample;