Container that allows to flip left and right between child views. Each child view of the ViewPagerAndroid
will be treated as a separate page and will be stretched to fill the ViewPagerAndroid
It is important all children are <View>
s and not composite components. You can set style properties like padding
or backgroundColor
for each child.
render: function() { return ( <ViewPagerAndroid style={styles.viewPager} initialPage={0}> <View style={styles.pageStyle}> <Text>First page</Text> </View> <View style={styles.pageStyle}> <Text>Second page</Text> </View> </ViewPagerAndroid> ); } ... var styles = { ... pageStyle: { alignItems: 'center', padding: 20, } }
View props...
initialPage number
Index of initial page that should be selected. Use setPage
method to update the page, and onPageSelected
to monitor page changes
keyboardDismissMode enum('none', 'on-drag')
Determines whether the keyboard gets dismissed in response to a drag. - 'none' (the default), drags do not dismiss the keyboard. - 'on-drag', the keyboard is dismissed when a drag begins.
onPageScroll function
Executed when transitioning between pages (ether because of animation for the requested page change or when user is swiping/dragging between pages) The event.nativeEvent
object for this callback will carry following data: - position - index of first page from the left that is currently visible - offset - value from range [0,1) describing stage between page transitions. Value x means that (1 - x) fraction of the page at "position" index is visible, and x fraction of the next page is visible.
onPageScrollStateChanged function
Function called when the page scrolling state has changed. The page scrolling state can be in 3 states: - idle, meaning there is no interaction with the page scroller happening at the time - dragging, meaning there is currently an interaction with the page scroller - settling, meaning that there was an interaction with the page scroller, and the page scroller is now finishing it's closing or opening animation
onPageSelected function
This callback will be called once ViewPager finish navigating to selected page (when user swipes between pages). The event.nativeEvent
object passed to this callback will have following fields: - position - index of page that has been selected
pageMargin number
Blank space to show between pages. This is only visible while scrolling, pages are still edge-to-edge.
scrollEnabled bool
When false, the content does not scroll. The default value is true.
setPage(selectedPage: number)
A helper function to scroll to a specific page in the ViewPager. The transition between pages will be animated.
setPageWithoutAnimation(selectedPage: number)
A helper function to scroll to a specific page in the ViewPager. The transition between pages will not be animated.
'use strict'; var React = require('react'); var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var { Image, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableWithoutFeedback, TouchableOpacity, View, ViewPagerAndroid, } = ReactNative; import type { ViewPagerScrollState } from 'ViewPagerAndroid'; var PAGES = 5; var BGCOLOR = ['#fdc08e', '#fff6b9', '#99d1b7', '#dde5fe', '#f79273']; var IMAGE_URIS = [ '', '', '', '', '', ]; var LikeCount = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { likes: 7, }; }, onClick: function() { this.setState({likes: this.state.likes + 1}); }, render: function() { var thumbsUp = '\uD83D\uDC4D'; return ( <View style={styles.likeContainer}> <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onClick} style={styles.likeButton}> <Text style={styles.likesText}> {thumbsUp + ' Like'} </Text> </TouchableOpacity> <Text style={styles.likesText}> {this.state.likes + ' likes'} </Text> </View> ); }, }); var Button = React.createClass({ _handlePress: function() { if (this.props.enabled && this.props.onPress) { this.props.onPress(); } }, render: function() { return ( <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this._handlePress}> <View style={[styles.button, this.props.enabled ? {} : styles.buttonDisabled]}> <Text style={styles.buttonText}>{this.props.text}</Text> </View> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> ); } }); var ProgressBar = React.createClass({ render: function() { var fractionalPosition = (this.props.progress.position + this.props.progress.offset); var progressBarSize = (fractionalPosition / (PAGES - 1)) * this.props.size; return ( <View style={[styles.progressBarContainer, {width: this.props.size}]}> <View style={[styles.progressBar, {width: progressBarSize}]}/> </View> ); } }); var ViewPagerAndroidExample = React.createClass({ statics: { title: '<ViewPagerAndroid>', description: 'Container that allows to flip left and right between child views.' }, getInitialState: function() { return { page: 0, animationsAreEnabled: true, scrollEnabled: true, progress: { position: 0, offset: 0, }, }; }, onPageSelected: function(e) { this.setState({page: e.nativeEvent.position}); }, onPageScroll: function(e) { this.setState({progress: e.nativeEvent}); }, onPageScrollStateChanged: function(state : ViewPagerScrollState) { this.setState({scrollState: state}); }, move: function(delta) { var page = + delta; this.go(page); }, go: function(page) { if (this.state.animationsAreEnabled) { this.viewPager.setPage(page); } else { this.viewPager.setPageWithoutAnimation(page); } this.setState({page}); }, render: function() { var pages = []; for (var i = 0; i < PAGES; i++) { var pageStyle = { backgroundColor: BGCOLOR[i % BGCOLOR.length], alignItems: 'center', padding: 20, }; pages.push( <View key={i} style={pageStyle} collapsable={false}> <Image style={styles.image} source={{uri: IMAGE_URIS[i % BGCOLOR.length]}} /> <LikeCount /> </View> ); } var { page, animationsAreEnabled } = this.state; return ( <View style={styles.container}> <ViewPagerAndroid style={styles.viewPager} initialPage={0} scrollEnabled={this.state.scrollEnabled} onPageScroll={this.onPageScroll} onPageSelected={this.onPageSelected} onPageScrollStateChanged={this.onPageScrollStateChanged} pageMargin={10} ref={viewPager => { this.viewPager = viewPager; }}> {pages} </ViewPagerAndroid> <View style={styles.buttons}> <Button enabled={true} text={this.state.scrollEnabled ? 'Scroll Enabled' : 'Scroll Disabled'} onPress={() => this.setState({scrollEnabled: !this.state.scrollEnabled})} /> </View> <View style={styles.buttons}> { animationsAreEnabled ? <Button text="Turn off animations" enabled={true} onPress={() => this.setState({animationsAreEnabled: false})} /> : <Button text="Turn animations back on" enabled={true} onPress={() => this.setState({animationsAreEnabled: true})} /> } <Text style={styles.scrollStateText}>ScrollState[ {this.state.scrollState} ]</Text> </View> <View style={styles.buttons}> <Button text="Start" enabled={page > 0} onPress={() => this.go(0)}/> <Button text="Prev" enabled={page > 0} onPress={() => this.move(-1)}/> <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Page {page + 1} / {PAGES}</Text> <ProgressBar size={100} progress={this.state.progress}/> <Button text="Next" enabled={page < PAGES - 1} onPress={() => this.move(1)}/> <Button text="Last" enabled={page < PAGES - 1} onPress={() => this.go(PAGES - 1)}/> </View> </View> ); }, }); var styles = StyleSheet.create({ buttons: { flexDirection: 'row', height: 30, backgroundColor: 'black', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', }, button: { flex: 1, width: 0, margin: 5, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: 'gray', }, buttonDisabled: { backgroundColor: 'black', opacity: 0.5, }, buttonText: { color: 'white', }, scrollStateText: { color: '#99d1b7', }, container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'white', }, image: { width: 300, height: 200, padding: 20, }, likeButton: { backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', borderColor: '#333333', borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 5, flex: 1, margin: 8, padding: 8, }, likeContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', }, likesText: { flex: 1, fontSize: 18, alignSelf: 'center', }, progressBarContainer: { height: 10, margin: 10, borderColor: '#eeeeee', borderWidth: 2, }, progressBar: { alignSelf: 'flex-start', flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#eeeeee', }, viewPager: { flex: 1, }, }); module.exports = ViewPagerAndroidExample;