How dependency tracking works

Beginners don’t need to know about this, but more advanced developers will want to know why we keep making all these claims about KO automatically tracking dependencies

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Knockout is built around three core features: Observables and dependency tracking Declarative bindings Templating

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Computed observable reference

The following documentation describes how to construct and work with computed observables. Constructing a computed observable

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Pure computed observables

Pure computed observables, introduced in Knockout 3.2.0, provide performance and memory benefits over regular computed observables for most applications. This is because

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Rate-limiting observable notifications

Note: This rate-limit API was added in Knockout 3.1.0. For previous versions, the throttle extender provides similar functionality.

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Computed observables

What if you’ve got an observable for firstName, and another for lastName

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Observable arrays

If you want to detect and respond to changes on one object, you’d use observables. If you

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Writable computed observables

Beginners may wish to skip this section - writable computed observables are fairly advanced and are not necessary in most situations Normally

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Extending observables

Knockout observables provide the basic features necessary to support reading/writing values and notifying subscribers when that value changes. In some cases, though, you may

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