class collections.deque([iterable[, maxlen]]) Returns a new deque object initialized left-to-right (using append())
class collections.Counter([iterable-or-mapping]) A Counter is a
class enum.IntEnum Base class for creating enumerated constants that are also subclasses of
time.max The latest representable time, time(23, 59, 59, 999999).
new_child(m=None) Returns a new ChainMap containing a new map followed by all of the maps in the current instance
calendar.firstweekday() Returns the current setting for the weekday to start each week.
class enum.Enum Base class for creating enumerated constants. See section Functional API for an alternate construction syntax
types.BuiltinMethodType The type of built-in functions like
yeardayscalendar(year, width=3) Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting (similar to yeardatescalendar())
timedelta.min The most negative timedelta object, timedelta(-999999999).
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