tb_locals If set to true then local variables will be shown in tracebacks.
@typing.no_type_check_decorator(decorator) Decorator to give another decorator the no_type_check() effect.
class typing.Iterable(Generic[T_co]) A generic version of the
class typing.SupportsFloat An ABC with one abstract method __float__.
assertSequenceEqual(first, second, msg=None, seq_type=None) Tests that two sequences are equal. If a seq_type is supplied
doctest.register_optionflag(name) Create a new option flag with a given name, and return the new flag’s integer value.
assertIs(first, second, msg=None) assertIsNot(first, second, msg=None) Test that first and second
class typing.MutableMapping(Mapping[KT, VT]) A generic version of
class doctest.DebugRunner(checker=None, verbose=None, optionflags=0) A subclass of DocTestRunner that raises an
test.support.forget(module_name) Remove the module named module_name from sys.modules and delete any byte-compiled
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