os.path.getctime(path) Return the system’s ctime which, on some systems (like Unix) is the time of the last metadata change
os.path.expandvars(path) Return the argument with environment variables expanded. Substrings of the form $name
PurePath.anchor The concatenation of the drive and root:
funny_files Files which are in both a and b, but could not be compared.
rmtree.avoids_symlink_attacks Indicates whether the current platform and implementation provides a symlink attack resistant
os.path.split(path) Split the pathname path into a pair, (head, tail) where tail is the last
right_list Files and subdirectories in b, filtered by hide and ignore.
Path.replace(target) Rename this file or directory to the given target. If target points to an existing file
stat.filemode(mode) Convert a file’s mode to a string of the form ‘-rwxrwxrwx’.
shutil.disk_usage(path) Return disk usage statistics about the given path as a named tuple
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