apps.ready Boolean attribute that is set to True after the registry is fully populated and all AppConfig
AppConfig.ready() [source] Subclasses can override this method to perform initialization
apps.get_app_configs() Returns an iterable of AppConfig instances.
apps.is_installed(app_name) Checks whether an application with the given name exists in the registry. app_name
AppConfig.verbose_name Human-readable name for the application, e.g. “Administration”. This
apps.get_model(app_label, model_name) Returns the
AppConfig.models_module Module containing the models, e.g. <module 'django.contrib.admin.models' from 'django/contrib/admin/models
AppConfig.get_model(model_name) [source] Returns the
AppConfig.label Short name for the application, e.g. 'admin' This attribute allows
setup(set_prefix=True) [source] Configures Django by:
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