Writing Web applications can be monotonous, because we repeat certain patterns again and again. Django tries to take away some of that monotony at the model and template layers
Page.has_previous() [source] Returns True if there’s a previous page.
set_expiry(value) Sets the expiration time for the session. You can pass a number of different values:
context The template Context instance that was used to render the template that produced the response content.
trace(path, follow=False, secure=False, **extra) [source] Makes a TRACE request on the provided
SimpleTestCase.client_class If you want to use a different Client class (for example, a subclass with customized
get(key, default=None) Example: fav_color = request.session.get('fav_color', 'red')
validate_password(password, user=None, password_validators=None) [source] Validates a password
vary_on_headers(*headers) [source] The Vary header defines which request headers
password_reset_done(request, template_name='registration/password_reset_done.html', current_app=None, extra_context=None) The
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