json(**kwargs) New in Django 1.9. The
receiver(signal) [source]
is_staff Returns True if the user is allowed to have access to the admin site.
class CallbackFilter(callback) [source] This filter accepts a callback function (which should
class UserChangeForm A form used in the admin interface to change a user’s information and permissions.
class Paginator(object_list, per_page, orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True) [source]
vary_on_cookie(func) [source]
non_atomic_requests(using=None) [source] This decorator will negate the effect of
This topic guide describes Django’s support for interacting with multiple databases. Most of the rest of Django’s documentation assumes you are interacting with a single database
is_superuser Boolean. Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them.
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