Page.object_list The list of objects on this page.
django.views.decorators.cache.cache_page() A more granular way to use the caching framework is by caching the output of individual
get_all_permissions(obj=None) Returns a set of permission strings that the user has, both through group and user permissions
Page.has_next() [source] Returns True if there’s a next page.
SimpleTestCase.modify_settings() [source] It can prove unwieldy to redefine settings that
redirect(to, permanent=False, *args, **kwargs) [source] Returns an
password_change(request, template_name='registration/password_change_form.html', post_change_redirect=None, password_change_form=PasswordChangeForm, current_app=None
get_test_func() You can also override the get_test_func() method to have the mixin use a differently named function
require_POST() Decorator to require that a view only accepts the POST method.
SimpleTestCase.assertTemplateNotUsed(response, template_name, msg_prefix='') [source] Asserts
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