switch statement

Executes code according to the value of an integral argument. Used where one or several out of many branches of code need to be executed according

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This optional extension to the C language limits the potential results of executing some forms of undefined behavior, which improves the effectiveness of static analysis of

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Phases of translation

The C source file is processed by the compiler as if the following phases take place, in this exact order. Actual implementation may combine these actions or process

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Arithmetic types

(See also type for type system overview and

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Variadic arguments

Variadic functions are functions that may be called with different number of arguments. Only new-style (prototyped)

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An expression is a sequence of operators and their operands, that specifies a computation. Expression evaluation may produce a

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Implicit conversions

When an expression is used in the context where a value of a different type is expected, conversion may occur:

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Increment/decrement operators

Increment/decrement operators are unary operators that increment/decrement the value of a variable by 1. They can have postfix form:

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restrict type qualifier

Each individual type in the C type system has several qualified versions of

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Function declarations

A function declaration introduces an identifier that designates a function

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